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Am I the only one who caught Homer's subliminal "flash" while spinning in a tunic costume?

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I'm not sure which episode, it may have been the "passion play" episode, but my eye caught a milli-second frame while  Homer spun around while wearing a tunic or dress and flashed his manhood. I saw it in a re-run and never and never followed up on researching it. I thought it was an animator's triumph but have never heard or seen anything about it. I know I saw it. I really did. I'm not crazy. ps, this is a duplicate, I think my first attempt got deleted.
asked Jan 13, 2016 by anonymous

1 Answer

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It  is from "Ned 'N' Edna's Blend".

answered Jan 17, 2016 by Loco87 (talk) (37,620 points)