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What are the new symbols next to some characters' jobs?

0 votes

Hey There,

First, this is my first post and I'm thrilled to find that there are others as addicted to this game as I am and a place where we can all be addicted together.

My question is this:  After the last update, I noticed that there were these little running people symbols next to some characters' jobs - but not every job.  My guess is that it is indicative that the job is worth more $ upon completion but I'm not positive at all.  Hope someone can help!


asked May 7, 2016 by Radi Face (talk) (120 points)
retagged May 10, 2016 by Solar Dragon (talk)

1 Answer

0 votes
Red Symbol - Quest not started


Blue Gears - Quest jobin progress


Orange exclamation mark - Quests that can be done but aren't linked to jobs


Green Tick - Quest complete
answered May 10, 2016 by Solar Dragon (talk) (94,530 points)
First, thank you for your reply.  I don't think that I was specific enough when I asked my initial question however.  I meant the black, white and gray little men symbols (they are small) that show next to certain jobs when you tap on a character and that characters' potential jobs appear that you can then choose from.  Prior to the last update, I don't recall these symbols appearing at all.  They are not in color.  
Thanks in advance for any input!
Ah, those mean that the job is animated. You will see them performing the job rather than the character just disappearing into a building for the duration.
THANKS!!  Question answered!  I really appreciate your quick reply.  It's weird because I don't remember seeing those before the last update...